Accessible Alternatives™

Reinforcements to strengthen your portfolio

Accessible Alternatives for all market conditions

No longer reserved for institutional investors, alternatives are now considered by many, a core portfolio holding. We believe all Canadian investors should have access to alternatives to help achieve a properly diversified portfolio. With a suitable and meaningful allocation, alternatives can help achieve better outcomes over the long-term.

Comprehensive suite

We offer one of the broadest solution sets in the industry, across alternative assets, strategies and private markets, making it easy to choose the right one for your portfolio. 

Alternatives expertise

Our multi-boutique structure brings together highly skilled alternative experts with more diverse knowledge, making alternatives easy to understand.

Portfolio Discipline

We are a trusted partner with insight and expertise required to build modern, diversified portfolios, making alternatives easy to navigate.

Mackenzie Northleaf Private Credit Fund

Aims to deliver the strong yield, capital preservation and diversification potential of private credit within an accessible fund.

Mackenzie Northleaf Global Private Equity Fund

With the potential for high absolute returns amid the value creation taking place outside the public markets, the benefits of private equity are now available to more individual investors.

Mackenzie Northleaf Private Infrastructure Fund

With greater liquidity and lower investment minimums, the benefits of private infrastructure are finally available to more individual investors.

Mackenzie Northleaf Private Credit Interval Fund

Accessible to non-accredited investors, the fund aims to deliver the strong yield, capital preservation and diversification potential of private credit.

Compare, contrast, build

Use Precision analytics to compare strengths of various funds and find the right one for your client.

Insights and Education

Alternatives education centre

Mackenzie is on a mission to make alternatives education accessible. Here, you’ll find curated resources, easily digestible content and multimedia learning, all designed with your needs in mind.

Insight PDf

Diversification for better long-term outcomes

Alternatives tap into new and different assets, markets and investment approaches, which can greatly increase the ways in which a portfolio performs.

Private Markets

Private markets are a vast investible universe that includes private equity, private credit and real market assets, such as infrastructure. Discover how they work and why you should consider them for your portfolios.

Insight PDf

Private markets offerings

Our private markets funds allow investors to access the value creation occurring outside of public markets.

Educational videos

An attractive alternative to traditional fixed income

Discover how private credit has produced higher yields, even during periods of low interest rates and heightened volatility.

Attractive return potential from yield and capital growth

How private infrastructure works and why it’s such an appealing investment opportunity.

What is an interval fund?

Canada’s first interval fund makes private credit accessible to all investors. Find out what Mackenzie’s interval fund is and how it works.

What might be missing from your portfolio?

Discover how retirement portfolios have changed, and why investors may be missing a very important piece.

Alternative Expertise

Mackenzie Multi-Asset Strategies Team

Nelson Arruda

Delivering portfolio outcomes with next generation thinking

Mackenzie Fixed Income Team

Konstantin Boehmer

Using alternative assets to boost returns

Mackenzie Global Quantitative Equity Team

Arup Datta

Analyzing and replicating the characteristics of private equity

Northleaf Capital Partners

Top tier capabilities across private credit, private infrastructure, and private equity.

Commissions, trailing commissions, management fees and expenses all may be associated with investment funds. Please read the prospectus before investing. Investment funds are not guaranteed, their values change frequently and past performance may not be repeated.

The content of this web page (including facts, views, opinions, recommendations, descriptions of or references to, products or securities) is not to be used or construed as investment advice, as an offer to sell or the solicitation of an offer to buy, or an endorsement, recommendation or sponsorship of any entity or security cited. Although we endeavour to ensure its accuracy and completeness, we assume no responsibility for any reliance upon it.

Not intended to constitute an offer of units of Mackenzie Northleaf Private Credit Fund, Mackenzie Northleaf Private Infrastructure Fund, Mackenzie Northleaf Private Credit Interval Fund or Mackenzie Northleaf Global Private Equity Fund. The information above regarding Mackenzie Northleaf Private Credit Fund, Mackenzie Northleaf Private Infrastructure Fund and Mackenzie Northleaf Global Private Equity Fund is qualified in its entirety by reference to the applicable Offering Memorandum. Units of Mackenzie Northleaf Private Credit Fund, Mackenzie Northleaf Private Infrastructure Fund and Mackenzie Northleaf Global Private Equity Fund are generally only available to “accredited investors” (as defined in NI 45-106). The Mackenzie Northleaf Private Credit Interval Fund is available to all retail investors under a simplified prospectus.