Sustainable solutions

Sustainable Investment Solutions

We’ve invested in better insights, leading technologies and dedicated expertise that aspire to deliver competitive client outcomes.

Through our diverse investment teams, we are proud to offer our clients a range of investment choices covering a variety of sustainable investing solutions.

Our framework for sustainable investing

We offer an innovative range of products designed to bring about real change, whether it’s promoting better environmental, social and governance (ESG) practices, investing in technologies that address climate change or promoting equality and inclusivity. We offer clients ESG-integrated, sustainable core and sustainable thematic funds. 

ESG integrated funds

What is it?

ESG integrated funds consider material ESG risks as part of their investment research, evaluation, or process.

Why is it important?

ESG-integration is a mainstream practice in active money management. Environmental, societal and governance issues can pose increasingly high risks due to changing client preferences and/or regulation. 

Who is it for?

All investors who want to safeguard funds from pivotal shifts in environmental, social and governance issues.

Sustainable core

What is it?

Sustainable core strategies that can be used as a central part or “anchor” for any investor’s portfolio.

Why is it important?

These strategies offer broad-based geographic and sector exposure, while focusing on ESG leaders, avoiding laggards and screening out industries or companies that may be harmful to a sustainable future.

Who is it for?

Investors who want to avoid certain industries, or who want to invest in companies that behave better than their peers.

Sustainable core solutions

Sustainable thematic

What is it?

Sustainable thematic strategies focus on a macro theme or emerging trend, such as the environment, women in leadership or technological advances.

Why is it important?

These strategies offer specific exposure to one or more drivers and may offer significant diversification benefits for investors seeking specific niches in the market.

Who is it for?

Investors who want to fill gaps in their portfolio exposure or who want to support a specific theme.

Sustainable thematic solutions


Make a difference in the environment and your portfolio

Innovative green solutions provide great investment opportunities.

  • Mackenzie Greenchip Global Environmental All Cap Fund
  • Mackenzie Greenchip Global Enviornmental Balanced Fund

Sustainable investing and fixed income

Why invest in sustainable bonds?

  • Mackenzie Global Sustainable Bond Fund
  • Mackenzie Global Green Bond Fund

Invest to drive change – comprehensive suite

Our suite of sustainable investing products, which are designed to bring about real change.

Opportunities in
ESG-oriented solutions

Sustainable fixed income research.

Compare, contrast, build

Use Precision analytics to compare strengths of various funds and find the right one for your client.

Explore to learn more

Sustainable Investing
at Mackenzie

We’ve invested in better insights, leading technologies and dedicated expertise to develop competitive sustainable portfolios.

Sustainable investing education

We’re invested in helping you provide clarity on sustainability so you can have meaningful conversations with your clients.

Commissions, trailing commissions, management fees and expenses all may be associated with mutual fund investments. Please read the prospectus before investing. Mutual funds are not guaranteed, their values change frequently and past performance may not be repeated.

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